Let's see.....where to start. So much has been going on most days I don't know if I'm coming or going. First, today is my youngest son's birthday so, Happy Birthday Kyle!! He is eleven years old today, wow did they go fast!
My oldest, the daughter, has been dealing with a ton of high school crap lately. Just stupid girls picking and bickering but it really gets to her. It seems that no matter what kind of support I try to give it's not right for her. Go figure, teenage girls!! I guess I forgot that when you're 15 you know everything and your parents know nothing :) Oh well, we'll get through it somehow.
My middle child, the other son, is goofing off in school. Just had parent/teacher conferences and they did not go well :( Apparently he LOVES Algebra and Science and even Spanish since he has A's in those classes. However he has a C in Social Studies and a D in English. His teachers know he's super smart and able to do the work with no problems, he just doesn't feel like it. UUUgghhh!!!! Teenage boys are sometimes worse than teenage girls.
So, we have the youngest's party this weekend, my daughter's party next weekend and the following weekend is Thanksgiving. So basically, I'm gonna be super busy for the next three weeks or maybe more.
I guess that's life :)
So long for now!!
A place where I can talk about my adventures in life and dyeing all things fiber-y.
This is my latest tattoo. A present from my husband for my birthday. The idea came from some yarn I was dyeing for work. This was a color that didn't make the final cut so it went on my arm instead :)
Friday, November 12, 2010
Saturday, November 6, 2010
A new design!
I have also been busy do some designing. I recently designed this crochet shawlette for work and it seems to be a little popular on Ravelry :) YAY!!! The question I have for myself is this, "Self, why can you design a shawl in crochet but not in knit?". My self has no answer to this other than the math involved in knitting lace scares me. I am trying though and have lots of designs in my head. I need to get them out cuz my head is getting full.
Here's a pic of my design :)
Now, go make one for yourself!! I'm not gonna do it for you :)
Friday, November 5, 2010
It's been awhile!!
Well it has been quite a while since my last post and I have no excuses :) Just busy and life getting away from me. So what have I been up to you ask? I'm glad you asked, I have been up to alot lately.
Lots of dyeing going on at work, I'm talking CRAZY BUSY DYEING!!!! As in we ran out of base before I could even get it all dyed!! But that means people love what we do and I am happy and proud to say I do it! I love my job and can't even imagine where I would be without it. You know those people who say things like " God I hate my job!" or " I really don't want to go to work today!"? We all know those people, well I am happy to say that I never have those days. I never get up and not want to go to work. I never wish I had a different job. My job brings me joy each and every day. I get to be creative, work with one of my BEST FRIENDS and have tons of fun. Sure there's lots of yarn to dye that I can't possibly get to quick enough for my liking. But our customers understand that they are getting a quality product made by hand and that takes time. So bottom line.....I absolutely love my job:)
What else? Well I went to Rhinebeck and had tons of fun and spent lots of money(which I earned) and bought my very first wool fleeces!! Since I raise alpacas I don't get wool fleeces but they were yummy Border Leicester fleeces and are already at the mill being mixed with some of my alpaca and silk into some wonderful worsted weight yarn!! I can't wait to get my stuff back from the mill ;) All that yummy yarn from my baby boys!! I also bought my first Golding Spindle, the Celtic Knot spindle and it's amazing!! It spins like a dream :) I highly recommend one.
Anything else? Let me think.......I guess that's it for now. I will not promise to update more often, cuz I probably won't :) But I will post when I have something to say!
Oh!! I almost forgot!! Brian (lovely husband) took me and the boys to the Renaissance Faire for the first time just a few weeks ago. It was so much fun! I had a blast listening to the Celtic bagpipe music, and buying cool incense to burn and looking at all the people dressed up. I can't wait to go again next year. Here's a pic of me and the hubby!!

Tuesday, July 20, 2010
Bitten by the Crochet Bug!!!
So, the crochet shawl is finished and I love it! And it seems that now I have been bitten by the crochet bug. I am currently working on designing an original crochet shawl :) It's going well and so far no problems.
Summer has been crazy as usual. My middle son, Cory, was on crutches for a while after a 4-wheeler accident in which he messed up his knee. We'll just add this to his LONG list of injuries in his SHORT life. Also he just turned 13!! Yay, one more teenager is just what I need. And growth spurts have hit the family! Cory can no longer wear any of last year's clothes and my daughter, Sami, has hit the same dilemma. So, that means they both get new winter wardrobes and Kyle gets Cory's hand-me-downs. Which he loves, so everybody wins :)
As far as other things going on, I am also working on a new Knit shawl design which I will finish when the crochet shawl is done. I also have a cowl in the works as well, so keep checking back as I will probably post them here for you to enjoy as well.
Summer has been crazy as usual. My middle son, Cory, was on crutches for a while after a 4-wheeler accident in which he messed up his knee. We'll just add this to his LONG list of injuries in his SHORT life. Also he just turned 13!! Yay, one more teenager is just what I need. And growth spurts have hit the family! Cory can no longer wear any of last year's clothes and my daughter, Sami, has hit the same dilemma. So, that means they both get new winter wardrobes and Kyle gets Cory's hand-me-downs. Which he loves, so everybody wins :)
As far as other things going on, I am also working on a new Knit shawl design which I will finish when the crochet shawl is done. I also have a cowl in the works as well, so keep checking back as I will probably post them here for you to enjoy as well.
Saturday, June 5, 2010
A re-visited hobby!

Well, I haven't crocheted since I was a kid. Didn't like doing it then, thought I still didn't which was why I taught myself to knit. Then along comes a pattern in a crochet magazine and POW! I gotta have it. Now, this is not a complicated pattern or lacy or anything spectacular but I saw it and knew I needed to have it. Only one problem. I. Don't. Crochet! Well darn!! Doesn't that put a ringer in things.
So along come two friends of mine who tell me I absolutely can crochet and that is the only way I'm going to get this particular pattern.....okay, so break out the hooks and some yarn and get to practicing.
Guess what?!?! I still remember how to do this and it doesn't look like crap!! WOW! How cool is that??? So, go get the magazine and get started :)
I am proud to say that I am now 3/4 of the way finished with my crochet project. Which project you ask? The Woodland Shawl from Interweave Crochet Fall 2008.
I really think it was the colors that captured me in the photo, not so much the complexity. It's totally done in hdc, the whole thing. So it's good for practice and I am using the exact color as in the original pattern so bottom line....I love it!!! I can't wait to finish it and wear it, even though it's summer.
Sunday, May 9, 2010
Happy Mother's Day!!
So, what did you do for Mother's Day??? I went to an alpaca show to watch my youngest son show his very first alpaca and guess what? He won 5th place!!! He was very proud of himself and had a great time. It was a good way to spend my Mother's Day. I also tried to win the shawl that I spun for but a cute little girl won, so good for her :) The money all went to charity so it was all for a good cause.
Here's a pic of Kyle with his ribbon!
Friday, May 7, 2010
Finally Friday
So, I had an early day today due the kiddos having a half day of school. Tomorrow I will be spinning in the fleece to shawl competition at the PAOBA show in York, Pa. On Sunday my youngest, Kyle, will bo showing an alpaca in his first show for 4-h. I need to find some time to spend with my Mom for Mother's Day :) Since I am home early I plan to spin a little and work on the shawl for work before TNNA creeps up on me and it's not done.
I am also working on a design for a cozy cabled shawl for cooler weather, it's all still in my head at this point but I'll keep you posted.
I am also working on a design for a cozy cabled shawl for cooler weather, it's all still in my head at this point but I'll keep you posted.
Thursday, May 6, 2010
My first blog!!
Hello and welcome to my very first blog!! I thought I would try this just to have a little fun and keep everyone updated on my adventures in life :)
The Rock Star Dyer name comes from a friend who has given me that nickname so I thought it appropriate to use it for the blog.
My real name is Tasha and I hand dye all the yarn for The Alpaca Yarn Company. How cool of a job is that??? I love my job and the creativity that I get to play with on a daily basis.
I am a wife, mother of three children, four dogs, and seven alpacas!
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